How to get optimum help from PhD supervisor

admin PhD Supervisor ,

Completing a PhD without the help and guidance of an able supervisor is almost impossible. First, you need to have a research guide as per rules of every university. Secondly, handling the lengthy and complicated research project alone adds to your stress and delays the completion. Your supervisor can even boost your chances to get a scholarship.

But it is not necessary that you will get a supervisor who is ideal and dedicated to your project. I have personally seen some guides who don’t have the time to meet their research scholars even once a month. You have to take some pain for choosing an appropriate supervisor and getting optimum support. Before finalizing your guide, seek some information about her. Does she have adequate experience in your field; has she worked with candidates from your domain before; how is her relation with other scholars and so on.

Once you are satisfied with the knowledge and reputation of your supervisor, you will need to take the next step. Here are some points that you must discuss for making the relation work:

  • In your very first meeting, clarify the scope of the project, your idea about the topic, and the result that you expect to attain
  • The time when the guide will be available on campus and how she would like to meet you. Some guides are fine with talking to candidates between lectures or in the corridor; while others always want you to make an appointment and meet them in their office.
  • The extent of assistant must also be clarified. There are supervisors who want to oversee every step of the study and review every page of the report. These guides would want to meet you almost every day. Others leave the scholars alone and provide advice only when asked. On the other hand, there are some who follow a middle path and help you frequently, while giving space for independent research.

Make sure to be on time for all meetings and get your work thoroughly reviewed. With some effort, you will be able to avail maximum support from your PhD guide.

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Brandon has been working with PhD and Master’s candidates for their thesis and dissertation since 2007. He is a sports enthusiast and has completed his PhD in 2009. He works closely with students and candidates for consulting on academic documents.

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